
Website template was developed as a simplified static page copy of Hugo’s template Syna developed by Okkur Labs.Syna Theme is licensed under Apache License 2.0. The underlying software was not used, only color palette and general look and feel were taken.

This site uses the Font Awesome library for some of the illustrations displayed on the website. The favicon and image used in metatags (display image for decorated links on websites, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Slack, Google, and similar) are also taken from the Font Awesome library. The images have been resized and/or have their color changed to suit the color theme of the site. Font awesome icons are licensed under CC BY 4.0. For a detailed description of Font Awesome license rules, please visit Font Awesome Free License page.

Some of the illustrations that are displayed on the website are used from Iconify. These icons have following licenses:

The site is using Google Fonts. Fonts that are used are licensed under following licenses:

Code blocks are formatted using prism.js. prism.js code is licensed under the MIT License.

These attributions apply only to the domain. They do not apply to any other subdomain of

Documentations found on the website is hosted on Read the Docs, and uses the site hosts default template. For all attributions pertaining to the subdomain, please consult with Read the Docs resources.

Mentioned licensors (Font Awesome, Iconify, Syna, etc.), and companies (Google, etc.) in this document do not endorse this work, or any of the contributors. Previous statement also applies to any logo displayed on the website – logo’s do not imply any endorsement of the work or the contributors of this work. To be honest, they are probably unaware of our existence :)